1习近平生态文明思想Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization
2“绿水青山就是金山银山”“Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.”
3人与自然和谐共生harmony between man and nature
4可持续发展战略strategy for sustainable development
5社会主义生态文明观the socialist approach to ecological civilization
6生态文明理念the philosophy of ecological civilization
7生态文明体制改革reform of the system of ecological civilization
8建设美丽中国building a beautiful China
9污染防治攻坚战the battle against pollution
10蓝天保卫战winning the fight to keep the sky blue
11绿色发展green development
12循环发展circular development
13低碳发展low carbon development
14永续发展sustainable development
15资源节约型环境友好型社会resource-conserving and environment-friendly society
16国土空间开发格局the national spatial development pattern
17生态经济体系eco-economic system
19绿色供应链管理green supply chain management
20绿色金融green finance
21绿色科技green science and technology
22生态农业ecological agriculture
23大气污染防治行动计划Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan
24水污染防治行动计划Water Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan
25土壤污染防治行动计划Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan
26固体废物资源化无害化recycling and hazard-free treatment of solid waste
27“无废城市”建设building a zero-waste city
28绿色矿山建设green mining construction
29能源革命energy revolution
30节能环保产业energy conservation and environmental protection industry
31清洁能源产业clean-energy industries
32清洁生产产业clean-production industries
33山水林田湖草系统治理a holistic approach to conserving mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, and grasslands
34重要生态系统保护和修复protect and restore key ecosystems
35生物多样性保护工程biodiversity protection project
36生态安全体系与生态屏障ecological security system and ecological barriers
37长江黄河生态系统保护ecosystem protection for the Yangtze River and the Yellow River
38海洋生态环境与保护marine ecological environment protection
39应对气候变化与国家自主行动addressing climate change and intended national actions
40防灾减灾体系disaster prevention and mitigation system
41生态文化ecological culture
42资源环境国情宣传national publicity on resources and environment
43绿色生活方式和绿色消费eco-friendly lifestyle and green consumption
44资源全面节约制度the comprehensive resource conservation system
45自然资源资产产权制度the property rights system of natural resource assets
46自然资源用途管制制度the regulation system for the use of natural resources
47自然资源有偿使用制度the compensation system for the use of natural resources
48自然资源资产负债表the balance sheet of natural resources
49自然资源资产离任审计off-office auditing of natural resource assets
50生态环境保护制度the system of ecological and environmental protection
51现代环境治理体系modern environmental management system
52生态保护红线ecological red lines
53生态文明体制改革reform of the ecological civilization system
54生态文明标准体系the standard system of ecological civilization
55生态系统休养生息制度the system of ecological restoration
56生态补偿制度the system of ecological compensation
57以国家公园为主的自然保护地natural reserves with national parks as the main part
58统计监测与综合评价statistical monitoring and comprehensive evaluation
59环境信用评价制度the system of environmental credit assessment
60环境影响评价制度the system of environmental impact assessment
61污染防治区域联动regional cooperation on pollution prevention and control
62中央环境保护督察制度the inspection system of the central government for environmental protection
63生态环境监管制度the supervision system of ecological environment
64环境信息公开制度the system of environmental information disclosure
65环境保护公众参与public participation in environmental protection